Sunday, January 18, 2015


A tragic thing happened this week in Hyde Park. Some of you know about it already. I've been reflecting on it quite a bit the past few days. Maybe you know Max and Jody Lamb. They were involved with the Special Needs Seminary class at Sky View for a while. They have two children and several grandchildren who live in Hyde Park, as well. The Lambs have been married for over 62 years. Anyway, Brother Lamb was ill and they were going to the pharmacy to pick up some medication for him. He didn't know his wife was behind the car and he ran over her. She didn't survive. It has been a very sad week.
I just keep thinking how quickly things happen that change our lives. I've also been thinking how vital it is for us to be careful about what we say and do so that we don't have regrets when we have these devastating experiences. I don't need to elaborate. You know what I'm talking about.
Please pray for Brother Lamb, who has been in the hospital with pneumonia, and his family. It is a very sad, hard time for them.

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