Monday, January 19, 2015

Hart Happenings January 12-18, 2015

I think there are bunches of good things I take for granted in my life.  This week brought one to my attention.  I am really used to having my body be able to keep up with all the things I want to accomplish in a day, and this week, that wasn't the case.  Alex and I both had a mini-relapse of the flu.  You know, the energy-sucking strain that leaves you lethargic and cloudy.  Therefore, this week passed in a rather hazy, slow-motion blur.
We did meet some new sister missionaries when we took them dinner at the Visitor's Center.  Our temple is on schedule for some major remodeling and starting in March will be closed for 18 months! So we are trying to get to the temple as often as possible, which hasn't been very often for the aforementioned reasons.  Anyway......
Alex decided it was time to take the boys rock climbing, which we did on Thursday.  It was a riot!  The boys loved it.  Peter pretended to be Spider Man while we hauled him up and down on the ropes. I always get so nervous when I go (the whole fear of heights thing) but the boys were fearless.  They were puzzled the next day thought when their arms and chests hurt.  It was such a success that we are going to make it a regular activity.
Alex and I accepted a year long reading challenge at the library.  The goal is 52 books in 52 weeks.  There are different categories like: A Book over 500 pages, a book that was published the year you were born, a book you started but never finished, a book you were supposed to read in school but never did, a book by an author whose initials are the same as yours, etc.....If we pull it off we get a hoodie that says Book Nerd on it, but I'm going to petition that they change it to Bibliophile, instead.  Alex has jumped in full force and finished 2 books each in one day!  Unprecedented!
Speaking of books, I enjoyed meeting with my book club on Saturday night.  We discussed Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, which I must highly recommend to anyone who hasn't read it and would like some thought provoking, but very entertaining and accessible reading material.  SO GOOD! This was my second time through it and I found it just as interesting as the first go round.
Ian started up his singing class again this week and Jack is counting down the days for his art class to start.
Alex and I were rejuvenated at church yesterday and can't wait to go forward and actually accomplish something this week!

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear that all the Harts are feeling better. I am extremely impressed with Alex Hart's reading accomplishments! How amazing is that?!!! Way to go, Al! Wish I could read something besides books about drawing people's blood and suturing. Ugh! One of these days I will get around to Gladwell. I hear marvelous things about his book. Happy reading to all! Remind your boys to send their reading pages to Grandma Chester...
