Sunday, January 11, 2015

Happy New Year from Springville!

Nothing particularly out of the ordinary around the Belliston household lately.  Jake is rolling around a lot and both he and Joy got a couple teeth and enjoy using them!  Grace and Grant went tubing for the first time and loved it.  We are hoping for more snow this week.

Here is a link to an arrangement of "Nearer my God to Thee" by vocal point and the BYU Mens Chorus.  It gave us chills when we watched it.  Another win by BYU in my opinion, and one more reason for Thomas to come down south and audition :)  Make sure to turn it up!

Quotes of the week:  "Kisses make me sick" Grant
                                  "I'm so full of dance!"  Grace


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great rendition of that song! Thanks for the link. Your kids say the darnedest thingsWe sure love the Springville branch of Bellistons!

  3. Beautiful arrangement of Nearer My God to Thee. I'd heard it before, but it was amazing to watch them perform! I loved the Danny Boy arrangement, too! Always brings President Hinckley to my mind when I hear that song.
    I need to be around your kiddos more often to keep me laughing! I can't think of anything I'd rather have than Grant kisses - even if they did make me sick!! Hope to see you guys soon.
