Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hart Happenings: January 5-11, 2015

Well, this week was packed with good times.  I spent a lot of time organizing cupboards, the office, the boys/ room, and taming the laundry room.  It seems to have a mind of its own.  We were home all this week except a quick day trip down and back to Salt Lake to pick up Alex's backpack with computer, iPad, and various, assorted necessities.  At which time we visited Ikea and got some containers for Project Organization.  Peter became very attached to some potties that we saw in the children's section and wouldn't let go of one, so we also came away with that as well.  Ian is convinced Ikea is the very best place to "Heely".
Back at home, the boys spent a lot of time playing with their Legos.  They make some pretty great stuff.  It's fun to watch them all go at it together.
The boys and I visited the local Humanitarian Center and were blown away by the amount of stuff going on there.  We went on a tour of the facility and can't wait to go back and actually do something!
Ian liked seeing the newborn kits they assembled and Jack thought the crocheted toys were really cute.  Peter was excited to touch everything!
On Friday, Alex went skiing at Big Sky in Montana, which is the largest ski resort in the United States.  Our good family friend invited him but by the end I was afraid they weren't going to be friends any longer.  Being the adventurous soul he is, Alex suggested that they ride the lift up to a certain part of the mountain and ski from there.  Christopher had his doubts, but Alex can be convincing so up they went.  In the retelling, Alex told me when they got to the top he looked down and was "terrified".  So they just sat there not knowing what to do.  Eventually, Christopher took off.  Alex watched and saw his friend fall and keep falling.  When he didn't stop falling Alex finally took off in pursuit.  Christopher fell between 300-500 yards and the two of them spent about and hour locating gear and trying to fix stuff that had gotten messed up.  Come to find out, the hill that Alex had selected was a Black Diamond which is about as difficult as they come.  Just straight down.  Glad I wasn't there to see it!  I stayed blissfully unaware through the whole thing.  I don't know if Alex will ever be invited again.  Maybe it's for the best!
Alex and I enjoyed a lovely hike up the Cress Creek trail on Saturday.  Ian took part in a photo shoot for the Idaho Falls magazine who is publishing an article about his gardening group. And Jack beat Alex at checkers.
Anyway, we're off to a good start this year.  Lots of things to look forward to, many goals we're going to accomplish, and just a good feeling in the air.  Don't you think?