Monday, January 12, 2015

Flake Fun

12 January 2015 -  Not much happened of note this week because both of us were under the weather.  On Saturday we installed our new wood burning stove which is really cute.  About 6-8 weeks ago our little pellet stove decided that it was tired and didn't want to function.  Do not fear, we have not been freezing because Scott hardwired it but that meant that it only worked on "high".  So now I am learning about building fires that will last all night...never a dull moment! 

For those of you who have heard the crazy carpet fiasco story from the beginning of December, we finally got that put to rest.  We were able to return the "leftover" carpet and pad and get quite a good refund on it so we were pleased.  On Saturday we went "Sunset Shopping" (our new house is located on Sunset Circle) and bought a new laminate wood floor, a tub surround for the spare bath, closet doors, baseboard, light fixtures, new hardware for the kitchen and other misc. stuff.  Now that we have the supplies, we're hoping to see progress. 

Scott was released as a primary teacher so he is now back in the Elders quorum.  They have started church basketball up.  There was a game last week against the single's branch...brutal game.  Scott is the youngest person on the team I think.  The single branch was dunking and running circles around the old guys (who had to stop to adjust their ankle braces and knee braces...just kidding....kind of).  They fought hard but ended up losing, but the bright side is that no one had a heart attack or some other catastrophe!

Well I think that is about it for this week!  I love the idea of weekly postings! Can't wait to hear about the adventures you are all having!!!

1 comment:

  1. I am still trying to forgive Lowe's for making you pick up your own carpet when you were only days post-op! But I'm glad you got a refund and are getting going on the final renovations for Sunset!
    As long as no mean fights break out at those basketball games, they will be good work out sessions for those "old guys!"
    Jenn, I love Face Time with you! Thanks for calling us when you're home. It's the technology I enjoy the most :)
