Sunday, January 18, 2015

Flake Fun

18 January 2015 - This past week has been a long one.  There has been a bit of craziness with Jenn at work since her boss was appointed as Deputy Director of the Health Department.  Details are still being worked out and hopefully it will be a good thing.   Scott has reports coming out of his ears and is making his way through them.

But, on to other topics:  The sunset house is coming along well.  We worked on the house all day yesterday and were able to get a couple of big projects done.  Scott re-wired the kitchen so that the kitchen light can now be turned on from the dining room.  The old kitchen floor has been removed.  There are new light fixtures in the bedrooms.  The outlets and light switches are being changed for new ones.  Since neither of us have to work tomorrow we are hoping to get a lot more done. 

For those of you who have interest and don't know, the scouting program is undergoing some changes and new stuff is coming down the pipeline.  I am trying to figure out how to get all of those changes to my leaders.  Luckily it won't happen until June so I have a few months to get everyone on the same page. 

I think that is about it.  We have not gotten any recent pics of the house but we'll take some and upload them soon.

1 comment:

  1. We are excited to see pictures of all the changes in your Sunset home! Way to go you guys! It's going to be great when it's all done. You'll need another project to focus on after you recover from this one :)

    I'm quite interested in the scouting changes you mentioned. Are they just for cub scouts or are the boy scouts involved, too? Will it affect the boys or just the leaders? Seems like lots of things are changing these days...
