Sunday, January 25, 2015

Black and Blue in Hyde Park

I am a bruised and battered specimen lately. I feel something like a pincushion must feel. Both of my antecubital fossas (area where your arm bends and blood is drawn from) are bruised, both of my ring and middle fingers are very tender, and the entire back of my left hand is purple. The phlebotomy class is brutal! No one ever has a problem finding my veins, but for some reason when they take the needle out of my arm or hand, something happens and I am left with a hematoma (fancy word for bruise). Still, I'd rather be poked than poke other people - although I've had better luck with not bruising anyone else. Only 6 more weeks of torture...

Two babies were born this weekend one boy, one girl - one Friday night, one Saturday morning. All went well. I got to catch both and have now completed all of the required numbers for my national certification. There are other requirements, too, but documentation for that part is finished. I just have to fill out all of the forms, pass off a few more skills, finish my classes, and take the national exam. Hope to complete it all by the end of the year.

Emma went to a stake dance this weekend, which she greatly enjoyed. It's always nice to go with a big group who take dance classes together and like to practice. She was tickled pink when Thomas took her and Lauren on a date Friday night to play racquetball, get a shake, and home to watch a movie. Lauren cut out on them for the movie and took off with Nick, but they forgave her.

The Nilsson's came up on Monday for the "holiday." They went to Willow Park then came here so we could watch the children while Ruth and Garrett went on a lunch date. We went on a walk and had a fun time reading some books and playing.

The highlight of the week was today. Elder Quentin Cook was in Logan to speak at the Spectrum and the YSA Stake Presidents (and wives) were invited to dinner at the institute with him. After eating, he spoke for a few minutes and answered a few questions before going to the Spectrum. Thomas and Emma met us there and we were treated to a wonderful talk with pertinent counsel.

So, what would you ask an apostle if you had the chance? Did you know that Elder Cook was from Logan? (I guess you did if you listened in Conference...) Did you know that he lived in the 18th ward and attended church in the building close to the temple? Did you know that was the same ward and building we attended when we came back from Kansas? That was the same church that Lauren was blessed in and the same ward where Dad was Young Men's president for a short time before we moved to Hyde Park. Now you know what you have in common with Elder Cook!

1 comment:

  1. What a great experience! I remember that church and walking there on Sundays.
