Sunday, January 11, 2015

New Year Thoughts

Well, they say the best way to accomplish something is to begin. So...
Elise suggested the challenge of posting to our family blog each Sunday. I don't know how long the challenge is for, but thought I should start!

Thanks for the fun Christmas time, everyone! We had a blast with all of you here. Favorite memories include: playing Telestrations, snow for Christmas!, children singing and playing together, an hilarious Nativity rendition by Scott and the children with Eliza stealing baby Jesus, holding babies who smile at us, visiting and eating and playing together! It never seems long enough, but we will take what we can get. Thanks for making it so wonderful!

I'm sorry to report that all of the families in our family have had sickness since returning home. I really hope you didn't get sick because you came here! Please find something/someone else to blame for it! We have been trying to help Lauren and Thomas feel better this weekend. Hopefully they will be up and well before long.

Other events of this first week of the new year include two births of baby boys. That's eight baby boys in a row for me! Only boys at the births I attended in November and December! Dad took all of the photos for Allison Fife's wedding. He was stressed about it, but did a wonderful job. He's also been photographing wildlife in our backyard.Thomas went to St. George and Las Vegas with Victoria's family for a few days. Lauren played the piano at Bro. Jessop's house for the fine arts faculty. Emma went to some movies and ice skating, and gave Chester a bath! We took down our Christmas stuff and are trying to get back to a "normal" schedule.

I have waited a week to post this, but even with all the talk of photo taking, I couldn't find anyone to help me attach a photo to this post, so you'll just have to imagine the lovely photos Dad took! :) Maybe next time I can get someone to put a photo in for me...