Sunday, August 26, 2018

T&T in Texas

We haven't been on here for a while!  So sorry!  Life has been super weird, crazy, eventful, and stressful to the max!  For starters, I took over as the head trainer at the gym I've been working at in the sales department and I'm sooooooooo much happier now!  I get to train people all day (literally) so I'm very tired from all the early mornings and late nights, but it's great to see people begin to change their lives and experience the results they work hard for!  I've had one lady lose 17 lbs in just a couple weeks, and she is so so excited she can fit in the clothes she wants to again.  So it's been very rewarding so far. 
Tori is traveling a lot for her job and she's loving it.  It takes a lot out of her, but she also enjoys the places she gets to see when she's not working.  She recently found a great workout program called Beachbody On Demand, and she is now a coach who is building a team through social media and her own website, so it's been a really fun side hustle for her as well.  And the programs are actually really fun and intense that you can do at home. 
I'm still working on my business and will probably be traveling back to Utah every few months to work with different schools.  Thank you for all the prayers and support with this venture, it's been really stressful and tiring, but very fun and rewarding as well! 
We are looking for a new apartment that has a little more space and a few more amenities.  We've narrowed it down to three options, and we are really really interested in one, but we have to wait a couple weeks to see the apartment we're interested in, so if anyone wants to make a trip down here in the next month or so, we'll have a much bigger and nicer place to stay for ya! :)
Well, we love you and hope all is well!  It's still in the 100s here during the day, so enjoy the more chill weather for us up there! 

T&T Out!

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