Sunday, August 12, 2018

Hart Happenings

This weekend has been pretty quiet on the home front.  All our excitement went to Joe's house.  Alex took the boys down for a spur of the moment boys' trip.  Jack and Alex went to a Real Salt Lake soccer game while Peter and Ian hung out with Joe and his kids.
Prior to that we spent a lot of time in the yard trying to wrap up some projects that we started months ago and still hadn't finished.  There is something so satisfying about seeing things through to a conclusion.
We got to hang out with cousins this week which is always fun and Ruth and I chatted about and made some plans for the upcoming school year.  I'm pretty excited!
Our ward is growing like crazy and we are frantically trying to keep up with it in Primary.  I think we've had 5 new families move in in the past 3 weeks!
The garden is a splendid place to be this time of year.  I'm convinced our pumpkin has world domination on its mind.  It is beyond vigorous and is consuming everything in its path.  Ian has measured about a foot of growth every day.  We've been eating blackberries (thanks parents) and tomatoes and peas and beans and the watermelon should be ready any day now.
We rode electric bikes the other day when we went to get our chainsaw repaired and now Alex and the boys are busy planning a new business venture bringing a fleet of electric bikes to the river.  It'll be a hit!
Life is good!  We're hoping to get down to see the Mannings sometime soon.  Can't wait to meet Chet!

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