Monday, August 6, 2018

Flake Fun

6 Aug 2018 - First off, congrats to the Mannings!  Can't wait to hear more about baby Chet.  I hope that Lauren is recovering and that things are going well.

Things are going pretty well in Snowflake.  It has been quite hot lately which makes sleeping uncomfortable but we are managing. 

The garden is still producing like crazy!  We are giving zucchini away on a regular basis and we have cucumbers coming out of our ears.  On Saturday night we went out to the tomato patch with our black light and located 3 big tomato worms.  NASTY!!!  The black light helps because they kind of glow so it is easier to locate them. 

A few weeks ago I put down some patches of grass seed and it is coming up!!! I am so excited!  Perhaps you remember how sad our back yard was without grass...well, it is getting a little better.

Last night we sat in an apple orchard with neighbors and chatted the evening away. It was marvelous.  Have you taken time to sit under an apple tree lately?

Hope that you all have a great week!

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