Sunday, August 26, 2018

Manning Moments

It has been a great week! We are continuing to get to know Chet and his big personality in a little body. He could win any grunting or growling competition! He wakes Nick up with his grunts in the night which is saying something for someone with one ear! I usually can't wake Nick up.
It has been interesting to try and figure out how to keep everyone alive including myself while Nick is at work. Lots trickier than it sounds. But Wesley is a very responsible two year old and he is very good with Chet so that is very nice. Wesley keeps amazing us with his brilliance. He was singing on pitch while I was playing Mary had a little lamb and Twinkle Twinkle. But I suppose every parent loves to dote on their kids!
It was delightful to have the Harts here for a couple hours. Always fascinating conversation and good times!
We have had lots of yummy food from the garden including cantaloupe and watermelon. I love this time of year!
That's all for this week.

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