Sunday, August 19, 2018

Hart Happenings

  I blinked and another week flew by!  It was surreal to be in church again this afternoon without it seeming like there had been a week in between this and last Sunday!
  We went on a glorious bike ride this morning.  It is the only time I feel safe taking the boys around on these busy streets, they are pretty deserted on a Sunday morning.  Alex and I were repented of all the whining we did about 1:00 church.  It has been wonderful.  I'm not sure why we dreaded it so much.
  While the rest of the crew slept in this morning I listened to Rob Eaton's devotional from Education Week about the Zone of Spiritual Totality.  It is sooooo excellent.  I would highly recommend it to everyone.
  This week was full of fun! We spent Monday afternoon at the water park in Rexburg with some friends, Wednesday morning we went and picked raspberries for a couple of hours, Wednesday afternoon we celebrated Emer's birthday with the Nilssons, Friday we babysit our favorite 3-year-old, Ireland, and Saturday we attended a Spikeball (Alex's new favorite game) party hosted by some friends of ours, and took in a movie (Christopher Robin - excellent).  Full of fun.  I feel like everyone is cramming in the most fun possible before school starts!
  Jack is loving the fact that soccer has started again and Peter is anxious to get his team assembled and practicing.  He asks Alex (his coach this year) every day what the plan is and who is on the team and where they are going to practice, and he counts down the days until practice time.  Good times.
  Alex stays busy with work and all his sports he plays - racquetball, frisbee, Spikeball, and most recently, soccer.  He started playing with the husband of a friend of mine and has been enjoying that.
  All is well up here in Idaho.  And I hope it is the same for all of you in your various locales.

P.S. Ruth, I love the idea for the cookbook.

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