Monday, August 13, 2018

Nilsson News

I'm pretty positive that I have the best family in the whole world!  Reading your posts is truly inspirational.  Thanks mom for the pictures of our past.  It really doesn't seem that long ago.  I'm finally starting to realize how fast time goes by.  I was talking to a friend a few days ago while we were at the fair and she mentioned Addy and her friend Lillie being able to raise lambs together but then she mentioned that hopefully the fair wouldn't be at the same time as girls camp because both those girls will be there next summer!  Crazy!  I kind of have a hard time with things changing so drastically.  I envisioned what mom wrote about relating to dad walking off campus for the last time and how exciting/hard that would be.  Entering a new phase of life but closing the door on something your have devoted your whole life to so far.  Since mom and dad are looking for things to do in this new phase of retirement, Elise and I thought of a brilliant plan.  We thought it would be fun for mom and dad to put together a Belliston family cookbook complete with pictures and everything!  Each of us would need to submit our tried and true recipes from various categories (main dish, dessert, soup and salad, bread, etc.) and attach a picture if possible or invite mom and dad over to sample and take pictures for us.  We can also submit requests from each other if there are certain recipes we'd like to have.  Anyway, start thinking about food, food, glorious food - and how to make it.  Good idea?

We have been gearing up to start school in a couple weeks.  We are going to try a new program to supplement our homeschool called Tech Trep Academy.  It is tech and entrepreneur based and the kids seem pretty excited about it.  I feel however, that our summer has just started and now it is already winding down.  That is not right.  I would have to agree with Elise that being in the garden right now is the most enjoyable place to be.  Addy refers to it as her "Happy place."  We too have a pumpkin plant that is trying to overtake the universe.  Maybe these pumpkins are in alliance with each other!  We have harvested a handful of delicious watermelon.  Millie loves to go out there and check on the melons.  She walks by and pats them and hugs them.  I know for sure that must be the secret for adding sweetness to the fruit.  My phone is out of commission currently, but I will post some adorable pictures soon!

Like I mentioned earlier, we attended the fair this week.  It isn't much of a fair in comparison to Cache County's fair.  This one is just 4-H animal shows.  Next year they will be relocating to a brand new fairgrounds and may be holding it during the War Bonnet Roundup rodeo.  I've decided that we are going to take the plunge and let the two older kids raise a couple of lambs.  I hope it will be a good experience!

This is turning into a long essay, but I can't end before mentioning our huge project we did on Saturday.  We chopped down a ginormous blue spruce that was on the side of our house.  We had some chainsaw trouble at first and I was starting to envision having to take this tree down with a simple handsaw and some serious blood, sweat, and tears and whether or not Garrett would ever speak to me again when the Harts came to the rescue with their heavy duty chainsaw.  It worked like wonders!  We still have the big stump to tackle but I'm already enjoying the open space.  Don't tell Garrett, but we have one more blue spruce on the other side of our house that also needs to be removed but we will give it a few weeks.

Have a terrific week everyone!  Can't wait to to hear Lauren and Nick's side of the story and I'm looking forward to seeing cute baby Chet!

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