Sunday, August 26, 2018

Hart Happening

It is starting to feel like fall!  The weather is predicted to take a pretty dramatic dip tomorrow and we'll see if it'll climb back up so we can get some kind of a harvest.  Our cherry tomatoes have been abundant along with our carrots, beans, potatoes, and broccoli, but we have yet to eat a ripe watermelon, and we are just barely getting cucumbers, with the barest hints of the larger tomatoes' intentions to turn red.  The pumpkin sends his regards and has expanded his takeover to the neighbor's yard.
I was amazed when we went to Lauren's that her garden is about spent.  They are on the tail end of harvest there while I feel like we are just barely getting started!  It was so fun to spend some time with the Mannings at the beginning of the week and meet baby Chet.  They are such a lovely family! We dropped Ian off to visit an Education Week friend and he arrived at the end of our visit to the Manning and made Chet's acquaintance and finished off the Thai food we had for dinner.  We dashed off to the Hale Center Theater that night to see Newsies, which was spectacular!  The boys had a wonderful time.  Joe and Lori let us crash that night at their house which crash didn't happen until about midnight because all the cousins were having such a good time playing and the adults were chatting it up.  Sorry guys! The Sandy Bellistons live in a really ideal location.  It is close to so many things!  Alex and Ian woke up early the next morning and drove to Salt Lake to meet the other youth from our ward who had come down to meet the General Young Women's presidency and do baptisms for the dead in the Salt Lake Temple.  They really enjoyed the time there and then had fun riding some electric scooters to Joe's work and getting a tour of his studio.  Meanwhile, I enjoyed myself immensely visiting with Lori while we walked to the park and took the kids swimming at her grandma's pool.  I was inspired my my conversation with her and Ian and I are going to go off of sugar for the next week and hopefully make some better choices in our eating habits.
  On the way home, we stopped by mom and dad's house.  We caught a glimpse of dad as he rushed off to a meeting, Mom fed us a delicious dinner, and we were able to visit with a friend of ours who was staying with the parents until his apartment came available.  It was really nice to see them.  Never long enough to visit, but always good to touch base!
  We were home long enough for a garden class, cousin time with the Nilssons, some soccer practices, a playdate that included swimming at one of the local pools and playing at the splash pad, time for Alex to make some important progress on a couple of big deals he is working, and a Great Brain planning session.  The Friday morning we headed up to a friend's cabin and spent a couple days up in Island park boating and enjoying a hilarious play at the theater up there.  Peter fell off a bench and sliced his head open on the fire pit surround, so he is sporting a nice head wound.  Our friends are such generous and wonderful hosts and we enjoyed ourselves immensely.  The husband is a pilot (the same one who took us for a ride in his helicopter) and was talking to me about the maneuvering speed.  I need some more clarification from dad about this idea because there is also the concept of supermaneuverability and I think that both of these have some really great gospel parallels.  It's a theory in progress and I will think on it some more and get back to you.
  The boys were beat and slept most of the way home and even when we got home we mostly just laid around recovering.  Alex and I went to the adult session of Stake Conference which is always excellent, and which were all able to enjoy this morning.
  That's it for the Harts.  Hope all is well with the rest of you.

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