Monday, August 13, 2018

Manning Moments

Well this week has been great as we welcomed Chet into the world and our family has changed forever! It has been the smoothest and best transition I think anyone could have with a new baby so we feel extremely blessed!
So last Saturday, mom left in the morning to go back home after spending three days with us and helping in the yard and house. She is amazing! It seemed like a normal day and we did work outside and cleaned the house. Nick wanted to go to a spicy food restaurant to see if that would kick things into gear (I think he didn't want to go to work and have coworkers ask why he was at work! jk). So we went to our favorite Indian restaurant at 6. It was a busy place so we didn't get home until 8 but we had a great time. My back kind of hurt but not more than most days while being on my feet a lot. When we got home Nick wanted to finish a project outside and I started to get Wesley ready for bed. I realized that I had to concentrate on relaxing and that I needed to be on my hands and knees to alleviate the pain in my back. So Nick came in to put Wesley to bed and I called mom and hopped in the bath. That was at about 9:00. It took me a while to realize that I was really in labor and then I started pushing! Chet was born at 11:06 and mom walked in the door at 11:30! So it was very exciting! Nick thinks he wants to go into midhusbandry now!
So that is our story and everybody is in love with little Chet. Wesley adores him.  We are all very happy!
Thanks for all your prayers and thoughts. We love you!

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