Sunday, June 3, 2018

Hart Happenings

Morning all!
  Jack says that it is hard to remember what happened this week because it went by so fast!  True enough.
  This week was marked by some seriously crazy weather with tornados touching down a few miles north of us, some hail that pounded through and did a number on our garden and other plants, super strong winds, and enough rain that it flooded the parking lot and all the pathways of our community garden.
  We started out with a nice Memorial Day celebration on Monday.  Ruth and Garrett came over with their kiddos and the clouds parted long enough for us to enjoy a barbecue and a round of corn hole.  Then Garrett and Alex and the boys cheered on the Golden State Warriors.  There is a lot of basketball watching going on at our house these days.  Go Warriors!
  Jack and Peter are wrapping up their soccer season.  Peter scored 2 of the 3 goals at his last game and has some hilarious celebratory "signature moves" (his words, not mine).  The regular season is over for Jack but he tried out for the competitive team and made it, so they will be playing through June, culminating in a 3-day tournament at the end of the month.  It is a really fun group of boys and we have gotten to know a lot of the families who are so great!
  The kids' gardening classes are going well.  It is a treat to rub shoulders with the wonderful kids and volunteers out there.  Super stressful sometimes, but getting better as the summer progresses.  I've decided I don't handle stress very well and I seem to get stressed out more easily than other people.  I've been re-reading Pat Holland's "A Quiet Heart" this morning and she reminds me that embracing my own, personal life experience is an important part of finding a quiet heart.  Not looking around to see how much other people can handle and be engaged in  and pushing myself to try to match their limits.  Such a tricky thing to do!
  Anyway, we'll figure out a way for you to grow something, Mom!  Or maybe after all these years it is a relief to not have to be thinking about weeds?
  We're heading down to St. George this week and are really looking forward to going to Tuacahn, hiking in Zion's, and spending some time in the pool!  Flakes, we'd love to see you if you want to play hooky from work and drive a really long way to join us!
  Hope to see you guys soon!

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