Sunday, June 24, 2018

Nilsson News

All you can hear coming from our house is a chorus of coughing.  It has been going on for weeks now.  I'm about to week six I think.  It has been awful and besides that it's summer!  You don't get sick in the summer.  At least we have been able to play with the Hart cousins because they have the same thing as us!  That is one thing I would advise, getting sick with the same thing at the same time as someone so you can still hang out and play.  It isn't as miserable that way.
Garrett has been gone this whole week at a work conference in Phoenix.  I was not jealous a bit.  110 degrees just didn't appeal.  Garrett did a presentation on his self reliance theory and he was pleased with how it went.  He was able to talk to a lot of people about the D.I. and what their services were.  It was a good experience and the kids and I somehow survived. 
Yesterday we went to mom and dad's.  It was a little strange not going to the regular house (weird to drive by it and see that they are already putting up a fence!) but change is okay too.  We made cookies, played frisbee, and drove around to see some potential house building properties.  My favorite was definitely the Riverside lot in the middle of paradise.  The kids liked that one too.  It was a good visit and it was good to get away for the day.
Projects continue like normal and the garden is actually growing quite well.  I think we might be past our strange winter like weather now and we are excited for the summer.  In the mean time we just need to figure out how to get rid of this cough!
Oh, and the kids were super excited to discover a new resident in our yard- a little cottontail rabbit that is now named Rascal.  I think it is a baby because it is super tiny and super cute.  It had better stay content with the weed pile and not take interest in our garden.
Anyway, have a terrific week!  Love you all!

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