Sunday, June 10, 2018

Nilsson News

I just realized that I failed to post a picture of Henry last week.  There were so many good ones to choose from so here they are!  He is quite the character!

The big event of the week was Addy's birthday.  She's eleven now!  How crazy is that?  She has been asking for a bike for a long time because she had completely outgrown her other one.  Her wish came true and she got a teal cruiser that has a basket in the front.  She was pretty delighted.  Grandma somehow found time to come up and join us at the zoo and have a picnic lunch.  It was fun to visit and Addy was thrilled with the unfinished blanket she was given.  Now she has something to work on while she listens to Hank the Cowdog.  I know mom was so embarrassed to give an unfinished gift, but it really was perfect.

Yesterday we went to Peter's final soccer game.  He scored three of the five goals and his signature moves were pretty sweet.  Today and tomorrow are supposed to be windy and cold so we have taken a few extra measures to protect our tomato plants.  Weather here can definitely throw you for a loop sometimes.

Today I'm feeling rather perturbed.  I was just given the calling as relief society secretary which meant I had to be released as the primary chorister.  That really is one of the very best callings in the whole church and I had only been in for less than a year.  I honestly don't remember being so upset about getting a calling before.  I really need some help not feeling animosity towards the relief society president, otherwise this will be a really miserable experience.  I know the church is true but sometimes it can put me to the test.
Anyway, hope you all have a terrific week!

1 comment:

  1. You'll be a wonderful addition to the RS in your ward. I just feel sad for the Primary President who will never find another chorister like you!
