Sunday, June 17, 2018

North Logan News

The house hunting saga continues. But there is nothing to report on that. We are also trying to find necessary things that are missing - my scriptures and Conference report, Dad's shoe shining stuff, my jewelry box, printer paper, etc. I'm sure they'll turn up sometime.

This week I attended three births. All's well with moms and babies. I am learning that I will likely never see two births that are the same. It's amazing to me that such a basic process can be so different from mom to mom.

We had an absolute blast tending Wesley while Lauren and Nick were at a seminary teachers and spouses retreat with Nick's co-workers and Gerald Lund. They enjoyed seeing church history sites and hearing about them from an expert. We enjoyed weeding the garden and going on walks with Wesley. He chatters non-stop and really expresses himself well. He knows what he wants and what he doesn't want, which really makes things easier! I'm now looking forward to tending the Nilsson children in a few months while Ruth and Garrett have a little getaway in Washington.

We've enjoyed having Thomas in and out for the past two weeks. He's here on business and is making contacts that will hopefully result in having more clinics to teach to drill teams while he's here. He's working hard to make it work, so it has to!

We also attended a baby shower for Marcie Ashcroft, as well as Justin Evans' wedding reception. Both were very nice occasions and it was lovely to see our dear HP neighbors and friends at both events. I'm so glad we didn't move terribly far away and that we haven't been forgotten quite yet!

Looks like we might get some rain, too, Jenn! That will be a nice thing for the parched ground. It might not be such a nice thing for all of the youth going to girl's camp and scout camp, but it will be good for building their character, right?! Thunder and lightning right now, with a little rain....

Dad thoroughly loved digging in the dirt at the Mannings. But when he's here, he plays the piano and does church work. That's about all there is to do! This is Dad in his new "pondering sweater" that Thomas gave him today. He looks like the classic Mr. Rogers!

For those who haven't seen it yet, here is our townhouse...

Have a great week, all! Love you each loads and loads!

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