Sunday, June 10, 2018

Manning Moments

Well, life is good. When you have an awesome husband, adorable son and countless other blessings, it just is really great.
Wesley stayed at nursery today by himself and was happy! That was monumental. It has happened before but it has been a little while so I was grateful.
This morning we tried to make eggs benedict because Nick really likes it. We have made it three times and it has progressively gone downhill each time! The first time was nearly perfect and it was delicious! But this morning it turned out closer to hard boiled eggs on toast with soggy scrambled eggs. If you can picture that you might see that it wasn't that enjoyable but we had a good laugh! While we were eating that concoction, Nick went to let the chickens out of their coop and he ran back in because there was a family of quail. We see quail all the time but there was a momma and about 7 little tiny babies. They were so cute! They were learning all about our chicken coop and how it supplies all their food needs I am sure.
Nick has been busy since school got out. He went on a three day excursion to Hole in the Rock to learn about pioneer stories and history. Gerald Lund was their tour guide. Steve Lund is the principal at Lone Peak Seminary and Gerald is his dad so they get lots of close association with him. They had a great time. I went to Logan with Wesley to help mom unpack a little bit. It was also nice to enjoy cooler weather! This week is Nick's area inservice so there are lots of trainings and meeting which will be nice. I get to go to some of them which is always a highlight for me.
Wesley is growing and getting smarter every day. He is one good boy! He has the cutest voice and he says everything we say but it's a lot cuter when he says it. Some phrases he's picked up on are "pretty good," "pull yourself together,""look at that" "not bad at all" and "hurt bad." He keeps us laughing all the time.
Good luck to the Belliston's in their new home!

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