Monday, June 18, 2018

Manning Moments

Well this last week was busy and very good. It was inservice week for Nick so he had meetings and trainings every day. On Tuesday was a broadcast with a General Authority and our area was invited to the broadcast at the Conference Center. I was able to leave Wesley with the Mannings and go with Nick to the broadcast which was very uplifting. Elder and Sister Renlund spoke about helping the youth stay in the boat and understand the doctrine. The other talks were also incredible. Nick thinks Sister Renlund is the most intimidating person and I would have to agree with him. Then on Thursday and Friday we had a overnight event with spouses. Mom and Dad were so nice to come and watch Wesley while we were gone. We went to Coalville and got to know people in the area better while learning about the Doctrine and Covenants from Gerald Lund. We had a tour through emigration canyon which was also amazing.
Life is good. We have been eating raspberries and lettuce from our garden and working on little projects together.
We love you all!

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