Sunday, June 24, 2018

Manning Moments

I just have to tell you a funny story. It's been a good week. I have been more tired and large than normal but other than that, things are about the same. That is not the funny story.
So Wesley is very much a little athlete as many of you know. He started with basketball then soccer and now he is into baseball. He has been hitting balls with spatulas, sticks, bubble wands, everything. He also has a little mitt and baseball that Grandpa Manning gave him for his birthday. Well, we decided to go to a softball tournament yesterday that is part of the freedom festival down here. We thought he would enjoy seeing the game in full action. He sat and observed for about 20 minutes. He liked watching the balls go really high and then he wanted to get down from the bleachers. I could tell he was thinking deeply about something because he wasn't really into playing catch very much. All the sudden he said, "I need a bat." The rest of the time he was trying to get into the dugouts to get their bats. Needless to say we went and got a bat and he has been loving that.
Anyway, hope you have a lovely Sabbath!

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