Sunday, June 3, 2018

Nilsson News

These weeks all seem to be mushed into one.  I have no concept of time.  May is my celebration month with mother's day, my birthday and anniversary.  It's a little more than I can handle!  Garrett and I were able to go to the temple, to dinner and just visit, which does not happen very often these days.  Thank you immensely to the Harts for playing with the kids and cleaning up after Henry lost his dinner on the tramp.  Playing with cousins is the best! 

We are in full project mode with outside projects.  We got our entire garden planted in between the "hail and the mighty storms which beat upon us."  So far, there are no weeds to battle and our garden looks amazing!  I don't think I will be able to say that next week.  For my birthday presents, Garrett hung two new gates that give us access to the back barnyard area and he built some stairs off our back door.  We have had a three foot drop off since tearing down the rest of our porch and surprisingly nobody fell and hurt themselves.  As soon as the stairs were completed, Millie took a step out and tumbled down, resulting in quite the shiner around her eye. 

I have, for quite some time, been looking for some substantial planters to put on either side of our garage but without success.  My solution?  I'll just build some!  I salvaged some rusty, corrugated tin from my friend's tumbled down shed and built two matching planters that are about 3 feet tall.  I love them!  I should be getting some more metal from another neighbor so if anyone wants a planter box, just let me know!

We recently had a family photo shoot done by our primary president and I thought she did a terrific job!  She did some awesome photoshopping on Eliza who happened to slice her finger on some sharp pasture grass before we even took our first picture.  She had blood drips down the front of her shirt and if you look closely you can see her finger wrapped up in a weed leaf.  So exciting.

Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Such a photogenic crew! Very fun! Love the planter boxes Ruthie, way to solve that problem!
