Sunday, June 10, 2018

Flake Fun

Hey everyone!  We had a pretty good week but the highlight was Scott's birthday.  We took Friday off & spent the day in Flagstaff.  We went to a high ropes adventure course which was awesome and exhausting.  The rest of the day we did some shopping and went to test drive cars.  We are thinking it is about time that we up-graded our vehicle and we wanted to see what was out there.  We didn't bring a new car home though, which was okay.

The weather is pretty warm here so if anyone needs a sunburn, come on down!  It was about 75 around 9:00 last night.  We are sleeping with the fans running!

Ruth, sorry that you were released from your dream calling but you'll be a great RS secretary!  It comes with the territory of being so talented.

Congrats to Peter on his soccer game.  Wish we could have been there.

That's about it for us!  Hope that you all have a great week!  Can't wait to see Joe & Lori's new home.

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