Sunday, May 27, 2018

Last Post From HP HQ

There are weeks, and then there are weeks! This has been one of those weeks. So many ups and downs. I was totally taken by surprise at how emotional and heavy the passing of my dad was for me. After talking with Dad and Becca, I came to realize that I was grieving and mourning for what should have or could have been and for what I was holding out hope would change in my relationship with my dad. Those things never happened and won't happen in this life. That was a very difficult realization, even though I didn't know that's what all the grief was about at the time. I hope you are all very grateful for a dad who loves you and cares about you and tries to be involved and do what he can to make life good and happy for you.

I was very grateful for Lori who called me during a low point right after I learned about my dad's death. She thought she was calling to tell me about Jake (and I was happy to hear he was doing well after falling out of our truck and landing on his head on the street!), but I'm sure she responded to an impression and she came to my rescue and blessed me, and Emma as well. I am so thankful that the Lord is mindful of us and sends the right people at the right time to do just the right thing to bless our lives. It was a sweet experience.

Well, we are not enjoying anything from our garden. Nothing has been planted. The garlic is growing well, but we won't be here when it is ready to harvest. But we hope to plant something somewhere else! We now have another rental option that may actually work out better than the others. We will make our decision tomorrow about where to move and when. We will be out of our HP HQ by the end of this week. The basement is entirely empty, except for the washer and dryer - thanks in great measure to Elise and the boys! The spare bedroom and most of the livingroom have been packed. The hard rooms have been left for last - the kitchen and our bedroom. Hopefully, we can make a big dent in that tomorrow and have time to get to the cemetery and put some of our lovely irises on my mom's grave.

Thank you for the texts and prayers and phone calls this week. They have been very encouraging and helpful. I love you all and appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness. We will let you know where we end up and hopefully get to see some of you before long!

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