Sunday, May 20, 2018

HP HQ Highlights

 This has been one of the most monumental weeks in our family history. Our last child leaving home (even being allowed by the missionary department to leave home!) and packing up our belongings to go to who knows where just feels like a lot of major changes happening all at once. If feels almost surreal to me.

But, among the few stable and happy events was a delightful family gathering! There were things I had planned that didn't happen (food I forgot to prepare to use up some stuff in the freezer, the hike that got rained out, and some special songs I had planned to have you sing on Sunday), but it was wonderful to be together, despite those things and Emma's little accident. In Elise's words "And it was amazing that we were able to get everyone from everywhere together!  Thanks for making the effort, especially those of you who had to travel a LONG ways to get there.  It isn't that same if even one of us is missing." Dad and I are truly grateful for the effort and sacrifice you make to come and be with us. I don't think we will ever regret getting together. Thanks for enjoying each other so much and wanting to support each other. I have many parenting regrets and wish I could do a lot of things over again and do better at it, but when I see how much you enjoy being together and how much effort you'll make to gather, it is very satisfying and I feel that we've had some success! It helps me feel forgiven somehow for all the dumb things I did as a young mother. Thank you for being so great even with all of the mistakes and failures I had along the way. What wonderful adults you all are - truly amazing men and women!

As you can tell from her email, Emma is doing wonderfully well. She sent Dad and me a separate email with a couple of details that were missing from the one I sent to you. She said she was very happy to be in Provo. I'm sure there's a reason she didn't go to Mexico - even if we never know why. She can't carry her food tray and is embarrassed to ask help from her companions, so she isn't eating much. She wants me to send her some snacks. So, it will be a challenge to be at the great big, new MTC, which she says is even bigger on crutches! Right now she has a very positive, happy attitude and approach to things. President Durrant gave her a wonderful blessing when he set her apart for her mission. He told her that her knee had been protected so that her mission wouldn't be delayed. She really feels like she's been given a miracle and has been abundantly blessed. I feel the same. She's off to a good start.  You can email her any time you want. She'll probably only respond in a main email to everyone, but she might have time to respond individually. Her email address is: 

After nearly two full days of looking at houses and finding some lovely ones that we really liked, but not finding the peace and reassurance we are seeking to feel good enough to offer to buy them, we have put house hunting on hold. We are considering renting a house in North Logan that Megan Kenney texted me about. It is 2 or 3 houses west of the Bradleys, so it's in a nice area. It will be okay for a few months while we wait for things to calm down and for clarity to return to our minds. It's certainly not the thing we wanted to do at all, but it may be the right thing for now.

That's truly all we've done since getting Emma off to the MTC. Take a load to Idaho. Look at houses. Pack boxes. Wash walls. Go to the temple and think about houses and boxes and walls. Today we went to a Temple Workers Devotional and listened to Elder Pearson speak, which was phenomenal and so nice to think about something else! It was a fabulous talk and reminded me that there are some really important things in this life, like getting revelation and following the prophet and my current concerns seem quite insignificant in comparison. He reminded us that the restoration is ongoing. It didn't end with Joseph Smith. He mentioned that Joseph Smith received all the revelations he needed to get the church going, but that there is more revelation to come. He said that President Nelson has said several times recently that he is hardly able to sleep these days because of the constant flow of revelation and he has to write as fast as he can to keep up with what is coming to him. He said the Savior will be doing more from now until the time He comes than He has ever done before! One thing I thought was interesting was when he was talking about the need for more temples on the earth. He said the saints on the Wasatch Front are not using the temples as much as they should, but the church could use 50 temples in Africa right now. He said that we need 10 times more temples around the world. We currently have 160 temples. Imagine having 1,600 temples!! Dad and I have talked about that before and have some ideas of how to make that happen! I don't suppose anyone will ask us for our ideas, but when they do we will have some answers :)

Well, enjoy this blooming spring time! It is a delight to all of the senses here in Cache Valley! Not a lovelier place at this time of year. Love you all and hope to see you again soon!

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