Sunday, May 27, 2018

Hart Happenings

Happy Memorial Day everyone!
Some weeks just blow by, don't they?
This was one of those.  Alex was gone to California the first part of the week, sight-seeing in San Fransisco and cheering on his basketball team, the Golden State Warriors.  The boys were delighted by the paraphernalia he brought back with him.  He and his buddies had a great time!
While he was gone, the boys and I enjoyed a get together with our favorite homeschooling buddies.  It was good to see them and plan our next round of Great Brain get togethers.  It is such a blessing to know wonderful people!
The boys and I had a nice, albeit brief, trip to Utah to help Mom and Dad with some packing.  Hopefully we were helpful.  It's weird to see the basement all cleared out of stuff, it makes it seems like something is changing......
We cut down a couple of pine trees which resulted in subsequently having to repair the chicken run which took a hit.  The pond is up and running now, and the garden has been entirely planted, which is a problem because looking at it yesterday I realized that there are no beans anywhere, so now I have to figure out where to put our beans now that all our garden boxes are full.  Hmmmmm.
Ruth and Garrett celebrated their anniversary on Friday night, so we hosted the kids here.  Alex took them for scooter rides, which they loved, and honestly I'm not sure what else they did.  They kind of disappear when they are here and then resurface later when it is time to go home. It's a pretty sweet gig.
Our ministering brethren came tonight and brought some really amazing binders with them which contain a gospel habit building framework that one of them developed over years of working with students at BYU-Idaho and has since passed on to his grandkids and now our family.  It is really cool!  These men are the most amazing ministers this family has ever seen!
Jenn, we should be enjoying lettuce from our garden this week too!  So fun to be able to enjoy the fruits of our labors already!
Love to all!

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