Monday, May 7, 2018

Manning Moments

Life is good. We haven't been sick for a whole week! We are getting some allergies but we can handle that!
Yesterday was our Stake Conference and it was great! We had Elder Budge from the Seventy come and he was delightful. On Sunday he talked a lot to the youth about how the gospel can really make you happy. He used tons of scriptural examples about things we need to let go of and things to hold onto that will bring us happiness in a true gospel sense. The things we need to let go of that make life harder than it needs to be are: Pride (thinking you know more than God), Guilt (Sins), Grudges, and Unmet Righteous Desires. He then talked about holding onto the Word of God and increasing our capacity to have the Spirit with us. It was a great meeting.
Other than that we are trying to get our yard in shape and stay on top of little things. Wesley is just enamored with balls and we had a little birthday party for him that revolved around balls. Mom gave him a basketball blanket that he loves to sleep with. His other grandparents gave him a small basketball and baseball. We gave him a basketball hoop and he is one happy boy! Wesley has started to say the prayers in our family and he always remembers to bless the garbage truck and sometimes his balls. Very cute! Can't wait to see you all in a few days!

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