Sunday, May 6, 2018

Hart Happenings

This week passed by in a blur!  Alex and I came screeching into Saturday night looking at each other confused that we were at Sunday again already!
The Farmer's Market opened this weekend which is something I really look forward to every year.  The Harts + mom came and represented at the Community Garden table.  So fun!  Lots of sunshine and garden chatter.  Doesn't get much better than that.
Mom came up to check on one of those 4 new babies and snuck in Addie's dance recital and Peter's soccer game while she was at it.  She is one busy lady and we are always so grateful to see her!
We acquired a new addition to our family this week.  It is a Raleigh Classic Cruiser in all its 1960's glory.  We have had so much fun riding bikes together around the neighborhood in the nice weather.
The trees are in bloom, the lettuce, peas, and garlic are up in the garden and the chicken have been relocated to their newly-refurbished, fortified, high-security chicken coop.  Hopefully nothing will be able to get in this one.
Alex is really happy about the fact that he got to mow the lawn this week.
Ian performed in his last Tavaci concert this week.  He has officially graduated from the program and is looking forward to his next ventures.
The kids' garden classes that I am in charge of commence this coming week.  It'll be fun to get things rolling there.  It looks like we will have a good group of kids and some enthusiastic volunteers.  Cheers!
Can't wait for the family gathering.  Always my favorite time to rub shoulders with my favorite people!
I just finished reading a great allegory about life and deepened discipleship.  It's about this little crippled girl named Much Afraid who lives in the Valley of Humiliation with all her relatives, the Fearings.  She lives with her Aunt Dismal Forebodings, and surrounded by other cousins like Pride, Bitterness, Resentment, Self-Pity, etc...All Much Afraid wants to do is go to the High Places with the Shepherd, and the allegory is about how that ends up happening.  Such a good story!  The book is called Hind's Feet on High Places.  Highly recommended!
Anyway, love to everyone!  Enjoy the sunshine!

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