Sunday, May 20, 2018

Nilsson News

I feel like I'm a long ways behind on summer projects but I don't know how that could be since summer hasn't really started yet.  The weather has been a bit strange like Elise said, but we are loving the sunshine when it comes around.  I have been working on this endless chicken coop project.  In order to give us more limber for the project, we had to demo the last bit of our back porch.  Now you have to be careful going out the back door so you don't fall on your head.  Building stairs is on the list for next week as is a picnic table.  I really get the project itch when I see delicious wood and hardware just lying around shouting my name.  I was excited to help Elise with her bike rack because we started and pretty much finished it in the same afternoon!  I need to make one for us now.

Addy finished off her clogging and will be advancing to the intermediate level next year for which she is super excited about.  She also had her big piano guild which she has been preparing for since last fall.  She had to play seven memorized pieces, transpose a song into two keys, play major and minor scales and sightread a piece.  It took a lot of effort but she felt really good about the performance.
Emerson and Henry enjoyed the Father and Sons campout with Garrett this past weekend.  I just knew that Henry was going to fall into the fire or start a fire or do something crazy drastic.  I think we are going to hire him out for mischief maker.  If any of you are lacking some mischief in your life or if your life is just a little to dull and quiet, hire Henry!  We can't go five minutes without Henry doing something momentous.  Just a few minutes ago he came in and said in a matter of fact voice, "Mom, I let the goats out."  Did you really Henry?  Yes, there they are, on their way over to the fruit trees.  "Addy!"  And so it continues...

It was so fun to see all of you at the Gathering!  Hopefully we can see each of you again soon.  Good luck with the house hunting, packing and moving to those that it applies to.  I would love to come help with the moving but I think I would be most helpful just staying home.  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, I guess you can be glad that Henry tells you when he lets the goats out! At least you didn't find them in the neighbor's yard or down the street and Henry hiding in his bedroom...
