Sunday, May 20, 2018

Hart Happenings

  As I write this I'm listening to the boys creating something in the kitchen.  Limeade, I think.  We have some nice strawberry jam gelling on the counter and a roast in the crock pot.  So much of our life revolves around food!  And I think there isn't anything that gives me such a sense of accomplishment or a giddy sense of well-being as some food that we make that turns out delicious!
  The strawberries came to us via Ruth, as did our new bike rack.  I went over yesterday, dove among her scrap lumber, found some perfect pieces, and we assembled the rack in about an hour!  Hopefully this will solve the problem of bikes littering the yard and driveway.  They can park them all nice and neat.  Hmmmm, looking at that last sentence I can see how that might be an unreasonable expectation, but here's hoping!!!
  Shout out to Ruthie.  Everyone needs a Ruth nearby.  Don't know how I got so lucky, but you all are welcome to move up here and share.  She is amazing!
  It is has been an interesting week, weather-wise.  The mornings are beautiful and warm in the high 60s/low 70s, but come afternoon, storm clouds roll in and bring rain.  I think this is actually what spring is supposed to be like, but it is throwing me for a loop!
  Business is booming, Alex has more going on than ever but he manages to stay on top of everything and still make time for the projects I need his help with.  Superman, eat your heart out.
  Highlights of the week:
*We got our bees!  They're lovely!
*A visit from mom and dad which resulted in a trampoline for the boys and a freezer in the garage.  Thanks a million!  I got home from watering the plants at the mall the day after their visit and couldn't find anyone in the house.  No breakfast mess, no boys in their beds, when I happened to glance out the window and saw them jumping on the trampoline.  And that's where they've been for the rest of the week.
*Lots of soccer!  Peter's practices kept getting canceled due to inclement weather, which was a bummer.  But their games all went really well.  They're getting pretty good, and it is really fun to watch them.
*Jack and I rode our bikes to scouts on Wednesday but then had to ride them home in torrential rain and sleet.  He screamed the whole way, but it was fun!
*Alex and Ian went camping with their scout troop in HUMVs to the sand dunes.  They had a blast driving those machines up and down the huge dunes.  And they all came back alive, which was nice.
*The lilacs are blooming and the world smells lovely!
*We chopped down 2 pine trees that were shading the garden pretty significantly and it is amazing how much longer the sun lasts there now!  But man were they a hassle to remove!  Our chicken run took a beating in the process.  But nothing that we can't repair!  Right Ruth?  kidding.
  Mom, how to we write to Emma on her mission?  Do you have an address for her?  Mail and email?
  It was so lovely to see everyone at the Gathering.  I'm so glad that we have established that tradition.  I know we look forward to it every year.  You are our favorite people of all time.  Emma did such a good job with her talk, dealing with her injury, and making some good memories with the nieces and nephews.  And it was amazing that we were able to get everyone from everywhere together!  Thanks for making the effort, especially those of you who had to travel a LONG ways to get there.  It isn't that same if even one of us is missing.  Mom, thanks for the delicious food and preparing everything for us.  You are such a gracious hostess, grandma, and mom.
  Well, we're going to choir practice, so I'd better run.
  Signing out.

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