Sunday, February 25, 2018

Nilsson News

Winter has returned.  Sad day.  We had spring-like weather in January and most of February but then I guess the weather realized that it forgot to be winter so it blew back.  Wind, snow flurries, and high temps of 15 degrees.  Not so fun.  But what is fun is planning what I'm going to get started in the greenhouse!  I went to the Hart's house and Elise and I went through all the seeds she inherited from Home Depot.  If my garden and flower pots look anything like what I'm imagining in my head, it's going to look quite stunning!  If anyone has requests on veggies or flowers that they would like me to start for them, please let me know!  A packet of seeds usually contains over 100 seeds and clearly I'm not going to plant that many plants.  Elise and I found some fun heirloom varieties that we want to try so if you'd like some let me know and we can start extras.
Yesterday, we did a combine birthday celebration for Henry and Millie.  It was small and simple thing but I think they had fun.  I'm in the dilemma with birthdays because I'm really trying to minimize stuff.  A lot of people say to replace the things with experiences and I get that, but for these really young people I don't think they would understand an experience instead of getting to open gifts.  So, Millie received one baby doll and some clothes.  Henry got about three gifts and has been playing with them non stop.  We probably could have got him one item too and he would have been fine with it but we are just taking baby step right now.  It was a fun afternoon.
The fireplace is slowly taking shape.  Why is it that every project ends up being much more challenging than expected?  We've discovered that this really cheap shale that covers our fireplace  has a super duper tough side to it.  We can't penetrate it with the drill.  That kind of presents some problems.  Creativity is one of my strong points so that is what I have reverted to.  Forget the precise measurements! 
We are excited for this coming weekend and seeing most everyone at the the temple with Emma (sniffle, tear.  She's all grown up now.) and to see who in the world the amazing USU mascot is.  The anticipation is killing me!  Love ya fam!

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