Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hart Happenings

Hello all!
  It's been a couple of week full of fun and family!  We had the Springville Bellistons up here last weekend for a Super Bowl party.  It was a blast and the kids had so much fun together.  The adults enjoyed watching the kids and hanging out.  We have such a great family!  I am so grateful that everyone is so willing to travel and spend the time it takes to get together.  We want to follow Ruth a Garrett to Snowflake now.
  We're in the middle of soccer season which is fun.  Jack and his team are doing awesome!
  We have been celebrating Alex's birthday today.  Our friends came and filled his office with 35 balloons yesterday which was really fun!  Looking at all those balloons made him feel older than he would have otherwise, I think.  It was quite the visual of how many years he has been alive!  We went to dinner with friends, he played ultimate frisbee with a bunch of his guy friends, and ate a lot of treats.
  Our challenges are going strong right now and it has been really fun reading the Old Testament, brushing up on our Spanish skills, practicing the piano, tracking our expenses, and counting our calories (that actually hasn't been that fun).  Thanks everyone for your ideas and being willing to participate in these challenges.  It has been really helpful to Alex and Joe as they try to flesh out their concept.
  I hear that it has been nice and warm recently in Utah (so jealous).  It's warmer than normal up here for February, but still only in the mid-30s.  We don't have daffodils and tulips coming up like my brother-in-law tells me they do in Brigham City.
  We're so excited for Emma and her mission call.  She will be great!
  And we're looking forward to seeing Thomas and Victoria in March.  That and going to the temple with everyone will be highlights of next month.
We'll be seeing you!!!!

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