Sunday, February 18, 2018

Nilsson News

We have returned form the land of sunshine and warmth!  On the 8th we packed up and headed for Phoenix, AZ.  We made it as far as St. George the first day and drove the rest of the way the following day.  It was fun for the kids to track the different cities we traveled through to see how close we were getting and it was fun for Garrett and I to watch the temperature gauge in our car steadily climb higher the further south we went.  As soon as we could see the saguaro cactus we knew we were close.  80 degrees the first day we were there!
Okay, so Phoenix is terrifyingly huge and there is tons of traffic.  We missed our exits twice which made Garrett extremely anxious because the exits there lead you to who knows what land rather than off then back on again like here in Idaho or Utah.  We did make it eventually and the drive wasn't too horrendous.  Millie had to sit on my lap up front most the way but thankfully the majority of the drive was through uninhabited desert.
Garrett and Emerson ran the Spartan the first day we were there and they really enjoyed that.  Garrett has two more to run this year to earn his trifecta medal.  Anyone who wants to join him is more than welcome!  During down time we watched some of the olympics and that was fun.  People can do amazing things!  I could do the olympics of there were categories like hay bale toss, wall knock down, and weed pull.
We enjoyed lots of time at the parks in the sunshine!  We also went to the butterfly conservatory, lego adventure land, the aquarium, and the Mesa Temple.  The day we decided to head to to Snowflake, it rained and snowed.  It was great visiting the Flakes and we are grateful they were willing to put up with our chaos!  While there, Garrett took Addy and Emerson to see The Greatest Showman.  It was a 40 minute drive to the nearest theater but totally worth it!  That movie is the talk of the town and we listened to its amazing soundtrack at least a dozen times on our drive.  It is always awesome when a good, uplifting show makes the spotlight!
On the way home we stopped in St. George again to celebrate Garrett's grandma's 90th birthday.  His other grandma is turning 100 this year.  He has some strong longevity genes!  Both his grandmas are very healthy and independent and only have a little short term memory loss.  We decided to leave from the party and head home.  It was a couple of days early but we needed to be home.
We had a wonderful time and it was good escape from the long winter.  We are excited to see a lot of you on the 3rd for Emma and Thomas' big events!

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