Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hart Happenings

 This week we have been feeling rather left out.  Ian is busy taking care of our neighbor's plants (the neighbors are in Boston), feeding the animals and tending the little sprouting plants at another friend's house (she is in California), and mucking out the stalls at the Nilsson's while they were in Arizona!  Everyone is having fun adventures!  We want a turn!
Our life is one big adventure actually.  We don't need to go far for that!
We are meeting more people in our new ward which is fun.  Ian has made some friends and they spend the weekends running back and forth between each other's houses.  Jack has been recruited by his friend's dad to be on a soccer team in the spring, and Peter enjoyed a friend's Mario birthday party this week with a bunch of the neighborhood kids.
 Alex got to do his favorite winter camping with the scouts this weekend.  The boys slept in a snow trench and Alex slept with the scoutmaster in the garage of his parent's cabin.  They had fun sledding, ice fishing, and eating.
  As for me, I painted the dining room.  It is lovely!  Come see it! And we also brought in some more furniture for the playroom.
  Our big news of the week is that we sold our little 12th street house.  It was good closure for us and an opportunity to look back on the blessings we received living in that area.  Some of the best people we know, we met there and still maintain contact with.  Sad/happy.
  Ian is excited for Thomas to know that in his choir this season they are going to be performing "Trashing the Camp" from Tarzan.  It'll be fun!
  Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine's Day!  Thanks for the fun package, Mom.  That was so thoughtful and the boys loved it.  Alex surprised me by getting the carpets cleaned that day!  They look so lovely!  So the boys and I spent the day sequestered in the kitchen, playing Valentine's games and making crafts.  It was a fun day.
  I hosted book club on Saturday.  We were discussing the book My Grandmother Asked me to Tell you She's Sorry. It provided a lot of fodder for discussion! I really liked the book.
 I'm rambling so I think I'll sign off now.......Hope your week is wonderful!

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