Sunday, February 11, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

What an interesting week! I thought I didn't have much to report - just the same old, same old. But after reflecting, I realized there were a few new things on the calendar...

Dad and I went to a county-wide spelling bee to support our neighbor who was in charge of it. It was fun to watch, but really made me nervous for those children. When a hard word came along, my hands would start sweating and my heart started beating fast for those little people. Maybe we should try a spelling bee for one of our Family Olympic challenges.... :)

Speaking of spelling... It is a hoot to study Spanish with Dad! It is a riot! He is so funny! It makes me laugh just to think of it. But we are making progress and he is gifted at remembering some things. The pronunciation is the funny part, but it's coming along well.  Banjo on the other hand... :/

Dad had a tooth fixed when part of it broke off. The dentist didn't have to deadened because it was on a tooth he'd had a root canal on. The tooth was dead already, so there was no nerve to worry about.

Emma has been practicing for a while with her dance group that came together after several of the fellows returned from missions. They were just in time to put together a show for a Valentine's event in Lehi. They performed Friday night and Emma had a delightful time dancing again. The flapper dresses needed some help so I spent a morning altering them. They worked out okay.

Mostly I have been feverishly working on finishing the quilt I began more than a year ago for Elise's boys. The pace has been ridiculously slow, but I'm hoping to get it off the frames this coming week. Did I write that last week? And the week before?? The boys won't even want it when I get it done because they've had to wait so long.

We thoroughly enjoyed having Emma and her friends for dinner tonight. They are great people and we had a lovely time visiting and eating. I hope they will come back again! It was great having laughter and stories and conversation!

The best news is we scheduled a time for Emma to go to the temple! She will be attending the 5:00 session on March 3rd. Those planning to attend with her should be at the temple by 4:30. They didn't give us many options and 5:00 was the only option that works for Thomas and Victoria. Please let me know what your plans are as far as who will be attending and how many children will need to be cared for. I will plan to get a couple of babysitters to help watch the little ones, if needed.

Have a pleasant, productive, practically perfect week, all!

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