Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

I agree with Jenn - January flew by! Emma might disagree... Her mission call just couldn't come fast enough! I think that after waiting for SO long (it was really only 3 weeks after Dad pushed the button), the Hyde Park postmaster is her hero! She was so excited to go to the post office and pick it up herself, on the last day of January.

She is absolutely delighted with the whole idea and thrilled with the place, the language, the Mexico MTC, the timing, etc. She couldn't be happier about it. Thank you to everyone for making time to join us as she opened her call. What a highlight of the month!

I have to say that I was impressed with Emma after she picked up her call. She knew that she'd be waiting a few hours before opening it and told me she just couldn't open her call in her "gubby clothes." She went home, cleaned up and put some nice clothes on in honor of the occasion. It really was a special time and I'm grateful that she felt the significance of it.

Besides all that excitement, I've just been doing regular stuff and trying to follow Ruth's example and de-own as much as I can in our house. It's going slowly, room by room. If we ever decide to move, it will be a breeze because I will have gotten rid of all the excess and unnecessary stuff! What a lovely thought.

Here we go, February....  Everyone have a tremendously lovely week!  Oh, Jenn, what did the ground hog say, after all?! I was so distracted that I forgot to listen and find out how much winter we have left!

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