Sunday, February 25, 2018

...And Loving It!

Hola familia. 

Yep.  I'm killing the espanol.  The most important phrases (and actually the only ones I know) are como ce dice (don't think I spelled it right) and no entiendo.  Life savers. 

I'm actually in love with my mission and can't wait to go.  I get to go through the temple next Saturday at 5 and I'm really hoping all of you who can be there will be.  I'm excited to have all of us in the temple finally! Sorry for holding up for so long ;) Anyway, I'm really excited to go and hope y'all can make it. 

Literally nothing super exciting happens in my life so that's why I don't post.  I went and got some mission pictures taken (cliche, I know) by Nick Fullmer's sister and they're great! It was like 2 degrees outside, but it was still fun.  My friend Cambria went with me.  She went through the temple yesterday and is going to be serving in Racife (pronounced Haseefee) Brazil and she leaves June 5.  She's awesome and super photogenic so that's fine.  We had a really good time minus the part where we almost froze to death. 

As always, I welcome mission advice at any time from anyone (even if they didn't serve a mission or haven't served a mission yet ;) I hope y'all have a great week :)

1 comment:

  1. I think those are pretty much the sweetest pictures I've ever seen. Guess Cambria isn't the only photogenic one!
