Sunday, February 18, 2018

Hyde Park Highlights

I love reading the blog posts! It is so fun to hear, well - read, what everyone is up to! If the state of Utah didn't own the rainwater, I would love to know how best to collect it in Hyde Park, Jenn. Really, it is illegal to collect it here. Silly. You'd think that sort of thing would be encouraged, especially in drought years when there is limited, rationed use of the irrigation water. Anyway, I'm very excited to get up and see the paint job at the Harts and hope to get Dad to go with me to see the Showman movie. Seems like we are always the last ones to see the great shows.  The grandkids are still in disbelief that I haven't seen Frozen, Muana, and a host of other "have to see" shows...

Well, it was a busy week, but I am sitting alone at the birth center in Ogden. Jamie's baby is due to come any day and I didn't want to be rushing here in a snow storm in case he decided to come this weekend. It happens that there were two births today, one at home and one here. We had to divide and conquer, so it was good that I was here after all, even though Jamie wasn't the mom giving birth. Don't know how long I'll have to hang out before her little guy decides to come.

We got word today that Dad's Uncle Nile died. That is Grandma Belliston's brother. I'm not sure any of you would remember him. You don't even remember Grandma very well, since she died in 1991. She had three brothers, one older and two younger. Her older brother was disabled and died a long time ago. Nile and Wain were her younger brothers. We see Wain now and then when he is driving through Utah, but we haven't seen Nile in a very long time. He was living in the Philippines, I believe.

Have a delightful President's Day! Be grateful for great leaders like Washington and Lincoln and for our beloved country.

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