Well, the baby I had waited for for nearly two extra weeks finally decided to come - all 10 pounds of her! So, after checking things thoroughly the next day, I took off for Arizona! Yes, I had been longing to be there for quite some time and had a very narrow window of when I could be gone. I checked on all the moms that are coming up in February and they all felt okay with me leaving, so I drove down to visit with Jenn and Scott for a couple of days. It was a lovely drive with beautiful weather, dry roads and less expensive gas prices all along the way. So nice.
Things are well in Snowflake. We heard two little heart beats in different places, though close to each other. Jenn is growing/progressing perfectly. She is still having to watch what/when she eats to avoid tummy issues, and she's tired at the end of the day, but overall seems to be doing quite well. We went for walks and talked all day long! Heavenly! It was a nice respite for me. My phone tagged along, but I didn't have to feel obligated to be at everyone's beck and call and could relax and enjoy the lovely sunshine and the warmth of the wood burning stove and the greenhouse. It was very nice.
Dad has been doing lots of church work lately. He had a coordinating council meeting about the new service missionary callings and had to bear his testimony at that meeting. He met with Elder Stevenson yesterday with lots of other stake presidents and bishops. That was a wonderful experience for everyone. He presided over and spoke at two ward conferences today. Tonight we are going to the Spectrum to listen to Elder Stevenson speak to all of the young adults in the valley. Church work is so worthwhile and enriching. Love it! (even though I don't have a calling and am totally useless right now - I do my church work vicariously through Dad currently...)
Well, speaking of Dad, he just walked in and hasn't eaten all day so I must go feed him. Things are well in Cache Valley. They would be better if you were here. Come along! Love you all!
P.S. Ruth, our projects were on hold for a few days while I was gone, but we have recommitted to finishing some this coming week. Sorry yours are on hold for a little longer than that. You'll just appreciate it more when it does happen! :)
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