Hello there!
We are not sure what to make of the balmy heat wave we've been having. It has been raining for the past couple of days and the temps are in the 40s! Bizarre. It seriously feels like spring. But we have no false hope, don't worry. It is Idaho and bizarre is the name of the game when it comes to weather up here.
We enjoyed a nice Stake Conference this weekend. Alex and I both spent a lot of time in meetings and tried to have a good attitude about it. In between the meetings we all went to Jack's soccer game which was fun and in which he made a goal!
This week the boys took turns being sick so we were pretty homebound. We did enjoy a day out at Ruth's house. It was fun to see all the improvement she's made and the kids always enjoy playing. We were there for our Geography lesson. It has been really fun to learn about our world. We are entering our South America unit and are looking forward to our food tasting class. It should be yummy!
We appreciated mom and dad shooting up here on Monday to drop off some beef. It was good to see them and it is always nice to have the freezer stocked up.
Ian is back into his crazy schedule. He leaves around 2:30 everyday for band, goes straight from there to his Newsies practice and doesn't get home until after 7:00. It is rigorous and we are excited to see the finished production!
Alex has been trying to get to know all his new deacons. They had a fun activity where the Young Men took an old couch that was in the bishop's garage and mounted it on skis and then went couch sledding. Unfortunately, one of the new deacons was rough housing on the hill and ended up breaking his wrist. Luckily the second counselor was working at the E.R. that night and was able to put everything right.
Jack has really been working on his soccer skills and asked that I take him to the church a few times this week to practice. One afternoon I took him and Peter decided he wanted to stay home. While he was home something spooked him and he went looking for another person. Alex was out in the office, but when Peter looked in the garage it was empty (Alex had parked the van outside) and he assumed that he was home alone. He freaked out and ran to the church. Jack and I had been there about 20 minutes when I had the impression to go out in the hall and check the time. When I did I heard a child howling. I was so confused but went the to the door and was shocked to see Peter standing there wailing for his mama! He wasn't wearing a coat and I had no idea how long he had been there. It was so sad!!! We got him home and calmed down and Alex and I loved on him for a while, but I felt like such a rotten parent! I was so grateful that I had the prompting to go check the time because I wouldn't have heard him from inside the gym.
The boys have been working all week and last week on an awesome snow fort. It is huge and has a slide attached to it that has provided hours of entertainment for the boys.
Ian hosted his monthly book club this week. It was supposed to happen last Friday but he was sick so he postponed it to this week. They had fun playing Book Title Pictionary and making mug cakes. It is a fun group of kids and we like having them in our home.
One of the boys' new favorite things to make in the kitchen is pretzels. They are delicious and the boys have a blast forming them into different shapes. That is what we ended up doing today after church. Good times.
Hope all is well with you guys and that your 2019s are off to a great start! Hope to see you all at some point!
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