Sunday, January 27, 2019

Hart Happenings

Here is a joke for you that I got from my friend who was just released as the primary chorister in her ward:
  What is a whale's favorite primary song?  (see the bottom of this post for the answer)
  As I write this post we are all gathered in the living room in front of the fireplace, building elaborate card houses, and listening to the cd that Joe made of Dad telling stories.  Oh my gosh!  We love it so much!  Good idea Joe, and thanks for letting us all benefit from it!  What a treasure!
  Flipping back through the week in my was pretty full!
We are started off on Monday with an indoor picnic with our homeschool co-op group which was fun for the kids and informative for me.  I'm teaching a poetry class there this semester which should be really great and starts tomorrow. 
  We rarely see Ian any more because of band and his play practices.  But he is loving it, learning to tap dance, and swinging around on the scaffolding that is part of the set.  It'll be fun to see.  If you want to catch a glimpse the performances are March 7 @ 2:00, March 8 @ 7:00, March 9 @ 2:00 and 7:00, March 11 & 12 @ 7:00.  
  Jack built his pinewood derby car and raced it on Wednesday night, which is always a blast.  I really think it is one of my favorite scouting events.  Good times had by all!
  Alex found a Constitution class to attend up in Rexburg and went to check that out on Thursday.  He was really impressed by the guy who started it all up there and is excited to participate further.
  Friday was the Banff film festival and dad came up to see that with us which is always such an inspiring event.  Prior to that he helped me host a bunch of neighbor boys who came over to play in the snow.  We made mounds of popcorn and gallons of hot chocolate.  There was also excellent conversation involved, as always, when dad is around.  So glad he would come up.
  This weekend we worked on some projects and I went to a baby shower of the wife of one of the first kids Alex had in Young Men when we lived on 12th St.  It was fun to rub shoulders with some of our friends from over there.  Then later on that night I hosted book club for our group.  Those ladies are so great and we talked about A LOT of things and finally got around to discussing the book too!
  It was a lovely week and we are looking forward to another one like it!  Hope things are lovely for all you lovelies too!
  answer: Swallow the Prophet

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