Monday, May 1, 2017

Nilsson News

Along with Jenn's theme of things creeping up on us, we have been in our Idaho home for one whole year already!  That year has flown by and so much has happened.  Mom came up on Saturday and came over with the Hart boys.  She helped me to compile a long list of all our projects and accomplishments since moving here.  It was quite lengthy!  In honor of the anniversary, Garrett cut down another tree.  Only six more to go!  If you ever have the urge to chop down a tree, come our way because we have several and we know the Harts also have many they are going to take out.  So happy that the weather is improving slightly.  This past week it rained every. single. day.  Yes, I love the rain but it definitely got old.  We are anxiously waiting for our next two foals to arrive and hope they get here before the family gathering!
This past week we went to the Idaho Falls temple open house and that was terrific.  We went the first time with grandma and grandpa and the Harts, and the second time we went with just our little family.  There was a couple from France on the tour with us and how I wished Alex was there to communicate with them!  It was fun trying to explain different aspects of Mormonism to them.  The first thing they asked us as we were walking into the temple was "So, Mormons are always happy?"  I don't know where that question originated from, but as I thought about it I realized that we truly have every right to be continually happy.  Just like Pres. Nelson talked about in October conference.  I am trying to work on my happiness and make it more obvious.  I've been reading Happier at Home, the book that Elise recommended and it has definitely been enlightening.  I think I'm naturally a negative person and I have great resolve laugh a little more, hug a little more and recognize my many blessings!
We are all thrilled for Lauren and Nick, and are still cheering for Emma and wish we could come to Thomas and Victoria's graduation.  Our family is awesome!  Can't wait to gather with you in about a month - that is, if our donkey's have had their babies.  I feel kind of like a midwife saying that, just with a different species.  Love you all!

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