Sunday, May 14, 2017

Belliston Family Gathering - 2017
May 26 - 29 (Memorial Day weekend)
"Learn a Thing or Two"

Coming up in just 12 days!!  We are ready for this momentous event, are you?!

The rental house is secured, the schedule is planned, the menu is outlined, and the photographer is hired. We are ready to rock and roll!  Please read the following reminders and comment on the survey. Thanks a million for your willingness to support and be with our family. It still amazes us that we can get everyone together for a few days each year! We are going to enjoy it while we can!!

Things to bring:
1.  Yourselves!
2.  Mission food recipes, if needed. We will have ingredients here, if you have requested them. If you choose to make it beforehand and bring it with you, that's fine, too.
3.  Thanks to Joe and Lori, no one will need to bring bed pillows! (Unless you have a favorite one you can't sleep without)
4.  Information for your assigned "Learning Session" topic.
5.  A camp chair or two, if you have room. We have a few so don't feel it's imperative.
6.  Anything else you need to be happy and comfortable... (clothing and toiletries are always good)

Family Photo Survey:
1.  When you feel would be the best time to take family pictures?
      A. Saturday morning at 10:30 or 11:00
      B. Saturday afternoon at 4:00
      C. Sunday afternoon between 2:00 and 4:00
2.  What do you think would be the best attire for the picture?
      A. Let everyone wear what they want.
      B. Have a general color theme (everyone wear khaki or denim with pastel shirts...)
      C. Each family choose a specific color they wear (Hart's blue, Flakes white, etc....)
3.  Where would you like the photo taken?
      A. In our own backyard
      B. At Lion's Park (since we will be there anyway)
      C. In Logan Canyon
      D. At the temple
      E. Other idea (please list) 


  1. We are good with whatever picture attire, time and location is chosen.

  2. Garrett and I vote for 1A. Saturday morning before the kids have time to become a big mess. 2A. Let everyone wear what they want (I would say nice casual). 3A or C. If it stresses mom out trying to get her yard in pristine condition for a photo, then lets do the canyon. There is not a distracting playground in the canyon?

  3. Hello! :) we are good for anytime! 11am would be perfect for us since I think we are getting official graduation pictures taken before then. Any thing goes to wear if it's casual but sometimes a general pallet of colors helps me or if I should make sure I wear like jeans rather than a dress so I don't look too off haha. But we are good with wherever and whatever theme you'd like :)
