Sunday, May 7, 2017


This was at the Vietnam Memorial

Me, Carter Martindale, Mr. Rigby, Emma Z 

Red Sox game! Also, fun fact, Mr. Baldwin got our team up on the turbotron which was cool

JUSTICE BRENNAN!! Another fun fact, Mr. Baldwin got to help raise the flag at Arlington.  CIA, we're certain.

The National Cathedral.  Really cool stained glass windows and architecture.

Part of the Holocaust Museum.  Pretty sure I was there for three hours and didn't see all of it.

The Aeronautics Museum (not Air and Space)

An original Book of Mormon in the rare books room in the Library of Congress

Iwo Jima

Also, I have tons of other photos, so if you have a hankering to see random DC pictures, I'd love to share them with you ;)

1 comment:

  1. I want to see pictures! Can we do a slideshow at the gathering like we did with Mom and Dad's Alaska trip?
