Sunday, April 30, 2017

Flake Fun

30 April 2017 - Can you believe that it is the end of April already?  Can you believe that Emma is 18 already?  Can you believe that Thomas and Victoria are graduating college already?   Lots of things have crept up on me it looks like!

I spent a majority of this week at a conference in Atlanta which was exhausting.  I think all of the major traveling is done now (until the gathering of course!) but there is still a lot of local traveling going on in the next couple of weeks.

We have had 3-4 freezes this past week so the flowers are not looking very healthy but the veggies are still safe and sound in the greenhouse. 

We went branding yesterday which is always an experience.  We branded 64 calves.  There were 8 of us and it only took about 2.5 hours or so.  Always a fun experience, for the most part!

I can't really think of much else to write about.  We were excited to hear that the Mannings got a little more direction about their future.  We were ecstatic to hear about Emma's triumph at nationals. And thrilled to get the Thomas Belliston's graduation announcement!  Lots of good thing happening in the family! 

Love you all!  See you in a month or so!

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