Sunday, May 7, 2017

Flake Fun

7 May 2017 - It has been a long week filled with trainings but a good week despite that.  The weather has been nice but windy so we haven't been able to plant the garden yet.  We did finally finish chopping all of our wood so our wood pile is complete and ready for next winter.

Our renters informed us (via a friend) the night before their lease expired that they wouldn't be leaving until June so we are trying to get that all figured out. It made for a long, frustrating day yesterday. 

It was fun to chat with Ruth and Lauren the other day.  I'm sorry that I'm not consistent with my calls but I do love you all and think about you a lot.  We have been talking about buying some land and building a house but nothing concrete yet.  If we do though, we'll have to have you all come down for a visit (it will be at least 5 years but the invitation is there!) Of course, you can always come and visit any time that you want!

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