Sunday, May 21, 2017

Nilsson News

I haven't been on the blog in awhile and I'm sure all of you have heard our exciting news for the month.  Our little donkey foal finally arrived last week on mother's day!  Addy named her Ella. She is the cutest little spotted thing!  I love to watch the curiosity that every new baby has.  This little gal will jump and kick and chase the chickens and then come up to you for hugs.  Adorable!  I will show you pictures at the gathering since I can't get them to post on the blog.  We are still waiting on CoCo to foal.  She is only a month over due.  I'm definitely not anxious or anything.  She is showing no signs of foaling either.  I don't know why I always think it's a great idea to start a breeding program when it makes me so crazy!  I guess the babies are what's worth it.
Addy had her national dance competition last weekend and took first in several of the events.  Mom came with us for which I was very grateful.  We all just about froze.  This last week we saw snow again and a pretty hard freeze.  We think it was winter just getting the last word in before summer.
My birthday was lovely.  We went to the farmer's market and the kid's homeschool recognition ceremony.  We came home and planted a couple apple trees and worked in the yard.  After cake and ice cream, Elise came by and took me out around town.  It was delightful!  Counting down to the gathering with all of you.  It will be awesome!

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