Sunday, May 7, 2017

Hyde Park Highlights

Well, I see it's been several weeks since we posted on the blog.... Shame on us!  Sundays have been busy enough that I haven't made time to get on the blog, but today's the day, finally.

Over the past few weeks we've thoroughly enjoyed visits from family. Joe's family came up for part of their spring break and the Harts joined in for one of those days. We went to the Historical Farm for baby animal days - along with about a million other people. It was loads of fun. The Belliston clan went on a couple of field trips and interviewed Dad about his growing up years. Mannings and Thomas and Victoria came to see the nieces and nephews. All in all, a terrific time!

Dad's stake had Stake Conference with a visiting area authority, Elder Petersen and his wife. They were delightful and Dad gave some wonderful talks. I stayed long enough on Sunday to listen to him speak, then sluffed the rest of the conference to run up to Idaho for little Millie's baby blessing. Emma, Thomas and Victoria, and the Harts also attended the blessing and we enjoyed time with the Idaho families.

Of course one highlight of April was the news of Nick's offer of full time employment as a seminary teacher. Lone Peak High School will be getting a fabulous teacher! We are excited for them, but a bit melancholy to have them move out of Cache Valley. I guess we'll just have to schedule more trips to Utah County to see all of our family there!

Another highlight of the month was Emma's participation and winning of first place unit award at the National We the People competition in Washington, D.C. It was stressful and exciting. Her thousands of hours (literally!) paid off when they received their trophy. See Emma's post for photos and further explanation...

Dad and I attended a foundation meeting in Springville with Grandpa and all of his siblings except Nate. That is always humbling and inspiring - very generous giving. While there I caught the first half of Grant's soccer game and wish I had stayed to see him score his goals!

We went to the Idaho Falls Temple open house with Ruth and Elise and their children. It's wonderful how the church uses local artists and culture to make the temples specific to where they are built. It was fun to be there with the children.  On the way back to Utah, we went through Twin Falls to see the beautiful temple there and visit Shoshone Falls, which was absolutely gorgeous!

Alex took Elise on a surprise anniversary trip, so their boys stayed here for a few days. I had a blast, but forgot how much energy you must have to entertain children all day long!  We had a good time, but wish we had had more sunshine for them to play in. We did get to Willow Park Zoo with the Mannings and had a great time there. We went back to Idaho for Jack's soccer game and to watch Garrett play football. The boys are so good and were very patient with me.

Thomas and Victoria both graduated from Utah State yesterday! It was a great occasion and wonderful to celebrate with Victoria's family. Now, they are figuring out where to go and what to do with the rest of their lives. Not an easy decision, they are discovering!

Well, I'm out of time and must rush off to church, but I will post some vital information about the family gathering later today!

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